Participant Executive Training for systemic Coach 2022/23:
Ich habe bei Andrea die systemische 1 Jahres Coaching Ausbildung absolviert. Das 1:1 Setting war für mich sehr besonders, da wir in jedem Modul ganz persönliche Themen mit einbeziehen konnten. Andrea hat eine so präzise Art, den Menschen dort abzuholen und zu begleiten, wo er gerade ist. So habe ich nicht nur viel Wissen erlangt, sondern ging durch einen sehr intensiven und transformativen persönlichen Coaching Prozess. Es haben sich im Inneren, so wie im Äußeren, viele Dinge verändert (...)
Andrea hat für mich eine ganz besondere Gabe, Wissen und Intuition zu verbinden. Das macht ihre Coachings und Ausstellungsarbeit sehr einzigartig für mich. Wir haben auch im Einzelsetting viel aufgestellt, mit Bodenankern und Kartons, das hat super funktioniert und war eine tolle Vorbereitung für die Gruppenaufstellungen am Wochenende.
Ihre Anbindung an ein höheres Wissen und ihre Authentizität haben mir geholfen, besser nachzufühlen. Was möchte ich wirklich? Was ist meine Gabe? Und wie kann ich diese in die Welt bringen? Ich habe so viele Antworten gefunden und bin nach dieser Zeit sehr viel authentischer und klarer mit mir, meinen Themen und meinen Mitmenschen unterwegs. Das Modul Selbstständigkeit und Business Aufbau haben mir ebenfalls sehr geholfen, sodass ich schon während der Ausbildung meine Website kreiert habe und in meine Selbstständigkeit gestartet bin. (...)
Participant voice Constellation work / Family constellations 2018 in Olhao, Portugal:
A great burden fell off and love began to flow where before there was fear and pain:
"Experiencing the work of family constellation with Andrea was like lifting a great weight off of life. It literally cleared the energy of a family dynamic that was blocked, allowing love to flow through us instead of fear and pain. What is most amazing is how even after the sessions finished, things keep shifting and revealing themselves. I feel I'm closer to my truth and potential than I was when I walked into the session. You really understand with Andrea's work how healing and freedom are possible." Janet Shook, Yoga Teacher and Health Consultant
A participant after completing the annual training
"This one-year course is the most intense I´ve ever made. It is a year of deep deep learning of oneself. One year to throw away all the old heavy stuff we insist to carry with us. And we go out light, renewed AND with powerful tools for the rest of our life. Andrea no words in this world will express my gratitude to you." Annual training 2017/2018
A participant of the annual training 2018:
"I recommend Andreas retreats, workshops and coaching with family constellations and a wide range of methods related to spirituality - authentic and passionate implemented in Portugal and Germany. For people who want to courageously work on their conflicts, want to gain new perspectives and need clarity and compassion on their way." P. da Silva Santos
A participant of the annual training 2019/2020:
I have been both a coaching client and a student of Dr. Andrea Brenner since a time. Since then, I have made unparalleled progress in my life and profession.Her approach is very powerful and in-depth, reaching the root cause of the challenges one is facing. Once the root cause is dealt with, not only the challenge you aimed to deal with is resolved, but also a lot of parallel aspects you didn't expect to improve. The most surprising aspect was that after the sessions things seemed to change for the best very easily and really fast, sort of hyperspace mode.As a student, I could learn some of her very powerful tools and approaches, that I am using myself in my practice.I strongly recommend her both as a coach and as a trainer.Thank you very much Andrea for your coaching and for sharing your knowledge!M Gonzales, 2020
Participant WingWave
"Thank you for the gentle, enlightening, impactful WingWave session," July 2018
Feedback New Year's Retreat Bergisches Land 2016/2017:
"It was very enriching, quiet, stirring, connecting, nurturing, revealing, insightful, interesting and intense for me! Many thanks to all participants and especially to Andrea, who designed the program so wonderfully and accompanied the constellations so intuitively." Anonymous, Jan 2017
On the topic of emotional release and dealing with fears:
"Dear Andrea, thank you very much! I hope it's not too hasty to say that this exercise is my breakthrough...
Crazy, but it kind of "clicked"!
I'm thrilled!..." Anonymous, Nov 2016
After family constellation Sunday seminar and vocation coaching:
"...a small miracle happened here at home...", mother with conflicts in her partnership and family
90% of the students of the project group "How do I find my calling - seminar with constellation work" would like to use the method of systemic constellation for other coaching concerns. Evaluation from my project group "Vocational Positions" at Cecilien-Gymnasium, Düsseldorf
"My topic was getting back into work - the constellation evening helped me to decide whether to study or start directly." anonymous
"The coaching has accompanied me very successfully for more than half a year with a wide variety of methods - in the meantime I have changed companies and gone abroad. The installation work was very insightful. The most impressive thing for me was the visionary journey, these pictures still give me strength today.”
IT/ web expert, Düsseldorf
“The usual careers advice at school made me rather insecure. My environment recommended me to take a new direction. I also lacked the NC for my dream subject. Your coaching has encouraged me not to give up on my path. In the same year I found a freshman place for my desired study place.”
Student for teaching, Dusseldorf
“In the search for a vocation, for what I really really want, a quality of heart noticeably built up in the vocation workshop; I experienced safety and relief. The next steps were then clearly in front of me and I had the confidence to implement them.”
Project manager, Cologne
"After just two appointments, I was able to see my professional situation much more clearly, deal with my personal complications with my manager and make a decision for the future."
Project manager, Düsseldorf
“I clearly recognized my path, i.e. the path that brings me luck, in the vocation workshop. Surprisingly, at that point I wasn't 100% decided to follow this path.... That was a surprising result of the coaching."
Marketing Manager, Düsseldorf
After a family constellation: “I have to thank you and the participants/representatives again. I feel much better, all the pent-up anger has evaporated."
Head of Human Resources